Monday, June 1, 2009

365:Day 121 ~ Bubblicious!

“The” lake trip with our whole crew is around the corner … 3½ weeks … 25 days to be exact. And, being the obsessive list maker / planner / organized / anal person that I am, I have already started plotting things out in my head, and maybe on paper a little, and shopping.

Like today – I was at the craft store and happened to find some bubbles and glow sticks for DIRT CHEAP and decided that all the “big kids” definitely had to have them at the lake. Pink bubbles for the girls and blue bubbles for Grayson! Is there anything better than bubbles? Well, other than bubbles AND glow sticks that is!!! :)

Here’s to 3 weeks of compulsive planning!


B.E.A.L. said...

you are a genius and quite the bargain shopper...does anyone ever outgrow bubbles....I don't think so! They will have so much fun!

Jill said...

Yea! Good find. Can't wait for all the fun!

Kristi Joy said...

oh...too of my favorite things! Bubbles and glow sticks!

what fun, do tell more about this fun trip! :)

Anonymous said...

I have to admit... for me, the planning for a trip is almost as much fun as the actual trip! :) Fun bubbles and glow sticks!