Wednesday, June 10, 2009

365:Day 130 ~ Rotation!

Well we had a bit of weather related drama this evening.

I was actually planning on being home for the whole night, but my friend, Chelsea, needed a ride to the airport. I was happy to help, and it meant that we could swing by my parent’s house and have dinner with them! So, that’s what we did.

Just as we were finishing dinner, Bill called my cell and said that there was a tornado warning for Plano. We turned on the news and I needed to either stay put or head home right then. For some reason, I just felt like I needed to get home. It was barely sprinkling, so I quickly packed the kids up and hit the road.

I was literally flying home! I don’t remember the last time I drove that fast. But about half-way through my drive, I was on a giant overpass and Plano’s tornado sirens started going off. I started to panic and called Bill to see what was going on. While I was on the phone with him, the wind was blowing like crazy under my car and things started flying through the air.

I hung up the phone, put two hands on the wheel, and hit the gas! I pulled off the highway and into a covered parking garage to wait out the storm. I’m not going to lie … I was And so were the kids. The wind was blowing the rain sideways into the parking garage and the sky was a creepy greenish brownish color! I did my best to hold it together, and Macy was a big trooper. She comforted her sister while we waited.

While we were hanging out in the garage, I heard on the radio that there was a rotation spotted RIGHT by Bill’s store. Which of course also scared me to death, but I didn’t let on to the kids. About 30 seconds later, Bill called to let me know he was okay and to check on me. He had 40+ employees and customers in his break room taking cover. He didn’t really know what was going on, so he told me to continue to stay put.

Then, Bobby {my second sweet husband} called to check on me! He told me it was safe to head home and talked to me until I was almost there. We were in the parking garage for between 30-40 minutes, but it seemed like an eternity! The kids were SO relieved to be home!

For those of you who don’t know Sadie very well … she is completely afraid of storms. Any kind of thunder and she is FREAKED OUT! They sleep in our bathroom when we are gone – with a baby gate up and the door closed. When we got home, we immediately went to let them out because I knew Sadie would be really worked up. Well, worked up is putting it mildly. She had knocked down the gate, pushed the bathroom rug out of the way, and tried to dig her way out of the bathroom. She tore up our carpet {this pic doesn't even really do it justice}! Poor thing…I know that she was really scared! And poor Bill…he’s going to have to get creative in order to fix our carpet!!!

Carly had a heck of a time going to sleep tonight, and Macy had one bad dream that included screaming at the top of her lungs, and another one a few minutes ago, but minus the screaming. I think that we were all a little traumatized tonight. I’m so glad that it’s over. Wow.


Jill said...

Poor sweet girls! And poor Sadie. Glad all's well that ends well, except for the carpet that is.

Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad you girls are okay... what a scary thing to go through.

The girls and I were home alone and although the sirens didn't scare me... all the "rotation" our weather man talked about got me allll in a tizzy! We took shelter once the storm hit... and had a little one sleeping with us all night!

Kristi Joy said...

Holy cow, now that's a scary night! Glad it all turned out ok.

Poor girls, I bet they did have nightmares!

Meg said...

Oh my goodness! What a scary night! I'm so glad you are safe! Now stay put during storms, please!

B.E.A.L. said...

I am so glad yall made it home safe and sound...I was scared just talking to you last night!

Poor Sadie...and poor Macy and Carly..and poor mommy too!

this weather stuff is no joke!