Thursday, June 18, 2009

365:Day 138 ~ Not to be Gross, BUT...

…tonight we had a POOP PARTY!

I know what you’re thinking. How is it possible that this wacko mama is STILL talking about potty training! Believe me, I’m tired of it too, but tonight we had a little bit of a breakthrough.

A little over a month ago, Carly had her one and only poop accident in her panties. Well, that was all it took to keep her from going in the potty. Ever since the accident, she has been holding it, not going on the potty, and has just been going in her pull-up at night {which is a really nice treat for Bill and I when we are tucking her in!!!}.

So, tonight Carly was acting like she really needed to go. And being the totally awesome parent that I am I said, “If you go poo-poo in the party, we will go get ice cream for dessert.” Magically and to our surprise, after a few minutes SHE WENT!

Mommy and Daddy made good on our bribe and took the little pooper {and her supportive older sis} to Cold Stone for some ice cream. This particular Cold Stone is located in a pretty awesome shopping center that has a pond right in the middle with a neat little walking path!. So after our ice cream, we went and took a little walk, chatted about nature, and just enjoyed each other’s company!

Best poop party ever.

Oh and P.S. – please excuse the cruddy quality of this pic…Bill took it with his phone.


B.E.A.L. said...

love it....that is a cute picture of them leaning over the pond!

Congrats carly on getting your poop party!

Kristi Joy said...

girl, that is one FANCY ice cream/shopping center. Wow...TEXAS sure does it good...ha! :)

Hope Carly continues to go potty for ya! :) (Gavin doesn't care if he poops in the we aren't quite there yet. I think girls CARE...boys are like, oh, whatever!!)

Way to go Carly!!