Saturday, July 4, 2009

365:Day 154 ~ July 4th

We thought that it would be best since we’re leaving town in 2 days that we skip a big fireworks show this year – much to Macy’s dismay! Our concern was the fact that they don’t start until after dark. We felt like it was more important for the girls to be rested for our long road trip! Soooooo….we did our own “fireworks” in our front yard. They were actually just various poppers, but the kids had a complete blast! I think that we all enjoyed the low-key event this year!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

we missed yall on the 4th this year but glad you guys had a great time. Low key before a big trip is the way to go.

glad the girls were troopers!