Tuesday, July 7, 2009

365:Day 157 ~ Smokin' Hot!

One of our favorite parts of our family vacation every year is Daddy grilling one night! I hopped in the pool with the girls while Bill fired up the grill and got our supplies. We got down to the pool from the beach at about 4:45pm to stalk and grab a grill! And we got one that had just been used so it was nice and hot! Bill grilled up some yummy chicken and some delicious veggies, and I made some rice to go with it! I snapped this “smokin’ hot pic” right before the girls and I headed up to make the rice and set the table! And our condo was on the first floor this year so the kids could talk to bill from the balcony while he finished grilling! And woweeeeee … dinner.was.so.totally.YUMMO! I love this little tradition!!!

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

sounds perfect....and a nice little tradition!