Tuesday, July 21, 2009

365:Day 171 ~ A/C

Anyone know what this is? Yeah, me neither.

What I do know is that it’s some sort of circuit board that keeps getting jacked up and SHUTTING OFF OUR AIR CONDITIONING in the 100+ degree heat in the dead of a Texas summer.

Yes, this little ole’ circuit board is making things a bit toasty in our house from time to time. About once a day, actually. A nice, cool 83.5 degrees. Comfortable, chilly, and downright refreshing, don’tcha think???

So, say a little prayer that my hubby survives spending a serious amount of quality time in our HOT attic tomorrow … and that the new circuit board cooperates and doesn’t give Mr. Fix It too much trouble … AND that we have A/C before the day is over.


B.E.A.L. said...

oh wow...that gives me headache just looking at it! Bill is so brave to even mess with that!

i hate that he has has to be in the attic tomorrow...poor guy!

jarleonard said...

what?? that is heinous. i'm so sorry for bill...and am hoping that whatever is wrong can be fixed QUICKLY!!

The Rodriguez Crew said...

please LORD I hope this is fixed by now!!! Miserable!