Sunday, July 26, 2009

365:Day 176 ~ Little Mermaids

Every year when we go on our family vacation to the beach, I get several surprises for the long car trip, plus one or two surprises for when we arrive. Last year I got the girls each a new book and a princess washcloth {you know, the ones that start little and when you get them wet they expand into a full sized washcloth} for when we got there.

Anyway, this year I got the girls each a mermaid for the bath tub! I knew that they would be a hit, but I didn’t realize just how big a hit! They loved bath time before, and now they can hardly wait! They were $10 each and let me tell you … they are worth every penny! Macy and Carly just play and play and play! It’s a crack-up to listen to them! Isn’t bath time just the best!


Anonymous said...

Oh, those are so cute! My girls would LOVE them!

I find that bath time is one of the most imaginative (and hilarious) parts of their day!

B.E.A.L. said...

I love bathtime....and I love sissies and how they play together!

I love how their little hands are grasping those mermaids....cute!

Anonymous said...

fun! i remember reading your post from last year with all your surprises! can't wait to read this years!