Sunday, August 2, 2009

365:Day 183 ~ Playroom Mayhem!

Today was a lazy day around the Leonard house! It was one of those days where we just sat back and let the kids get after it and make a total mess! In their defense, the playroom was already a bit messy from the party last night, but they definitely had no problem adding to the mayhem over the course of the day! WOW!

Since it was bath night and the girls were up way, WAY past their bedtime last night, they got out of cleaning it up tonight {which doesn’t bother me too much since the mess was confined to the playroom}. You know … sometimes it’s nice just to let ‘em go wild. They had a blast – as you can see from the giant MOUND of dress-up clothes – and the girls will clean it up tomorrow. Well, probably right after they add to the mess a little bit! :)

It was a lazing-around, mess-making, game-playing, nap-taking {for all 4 of us}, fun, fun day. Ahhh…


Kristi Joy said...

What a FUN room! :) I am sure they had a total blast!

It is kinda fun to leave stuff out over night...hard on momma who wants a picked up house...but the girls probably thought it was a major score!!

B.E.A.L. said...

we had the same kind of day....lazy, playing, not cleaning up, naps for all 4 of us not cooking dinner!

sorry the playroom was left a mess...

Anonymous said...

Now THAT'S a great day... and you can tell they had a blast!