Saturday, August 8, 2009

365:Day 189 ~ Get Your GRILL On!!!

Grilled asparagus and burgers for dinner tonight!!!!!!! YUMMOOOO! My charming hubby outdid himself this evening! Dinner was DELISH!

But I have a question ... do any of you have other asparagus recipes! I'd love to try them, so pass them my way! :)


B.E.A.L. said... recipes to share. we eat it just like that...grilled with some evoo and some spices and they are delish!

i love asparagus...especially the big ones!

Anonymous said...

That's how we do ours too... evoo, s&p, maybe a little garlic.

Those right there look de-lish!

Anonymous said...

i do have a yummy one! i'll dig it out and pass it along!

The Rodriguez Crew said...

balsalmic vinegar is the only thing I know to add! yummy!

Kristi Joy said...

As if...I have never even tried grilling them are waaay more alas, no ideas from me. :)