Thursday, August 13, 2009

365:Day 194 ~ "Fome Macy"

My kids never cease to amaze me and today was one for the books. Macy has been having a bit of trouble cleaning up her room correctly. She has a habit of sticking stuff in whatever nook and cranny she can, rather than where the stuff belongs. Today, I walked around her room with her, pointing out all of the stuff that needed to be put away. But, when I can back to check {after she told me it was done}, all the stuff I pointed out was still in all the wrong places!!!

So, we had a second convo about it and I pulled the stuff that was out of place into the center of her room. You could barely see her floor there was so much stuff! I helped her get things under control and left her with just a few little things that belonged in her closet {Barbie shoes, Polly Pocket stuff, pieces of her vet kit, etc}. BUT she did it again. She just stuck all the little pieces in her closet and closed the door.

Well. I’m pretty sure that my head spun around and steam came out of my ears at that moment. Bill and I had a quick conference and decided that she needed a consequence. I mean, she had had several chances…it was getting ridiculous. Not to mention that today was not the first time we'd had this same issue.

The consequence was losing Sara – her American Girl and MOST prized possession. I told her that maybe she could have her back for our trip to Houston tomorrow {knowing that I would give it to her in the morning! :)}. Then we told her that for every time she didn’t clean up correctly, she would lose Sara for longer each time. Her eyes were wider than I think I’ve ever seen them!

Macy went to her room and held it together until Carly asked her what was wrong. Then she burst into tears and told her she was sad about Sara. I went in and gave her a hug and told her that I know it’s not easy being a kid sometimes. Then I reminded her that it’s our job to teach her the right things and it’s her job to follow our directions.

At that point, I pretty much thought we were done with this "clean-up event" for the day. I walked into my bedroom to start packing our suitcases and found this note and coins on my night stand. I immediately showed Bill. Here’s what happened when we went and asked Macy about it…

Daddy: “Macy...when did you do this?”
Goose: “Just a second ago.”
Mommy: “Why, honey?”
Goose: “Ummm…just because.”
Mommy: “Babe, why did you put this money on my nightstand?”
Goose: “Because…”
Mommy: “Because why?”
Goose: “Because I wanted to pay you.”
Mommy: “Why, baby?”
Goose: “Because I am really sorry that I didn’t pick up my room.”

Okay. How totally stinkin’ adorable, sweet, and endearing is that?!?! I, of course, thanked her, told her to go and put her money back in her piggy bank, and said that it would be a huge payment for her to just follow our directions!!!

I had a smile on my face and a tear in my eye at the same time! Even when this girl infuriates me, I just adore her to bits! :) Gotta love how that kiddo mind operates!


B.E.A.L. said...

i love reading this story better than when you told me! i think it is because i was able to see macy's sweet little note!

i can totally picture this whole encounter and I am not surprised at that sweet girl!

i love how thoughtful she is and gotta love when discipline makes an impact that is when you know it was the right thing to do!

way to go mommy, daddy, and mg!

Anonymous said...

Smile on my face and a tear in my eye as well... love this! She is such a sweet, sweet, girl.

jarleonard said...

You are such a great mom and Macy is a precious little girl who doesn't fall far from the of the reasons she is so amazing is b/c of you and Bill. What a gift she is!