Wednesday, August 26, 2009

365:Day 207 ~ Already Livin' Up to His Name!

Wellllllll.......our newest member of the family, William Hall Leonard, was born yesterday at 3:33pm. He weighed 8lbs, 2oz and was 20¾ inches long! And he has a mane of dark hair just like his big sissies!!!

We got to go and meet the little man after dinner tonight and let me just tell you, he is already livin' up to Julia's nickname for him ... he is YUM-YUM! The girls were instantly IN LOVE, took turns holding him and cooing at him! What a precious little bundle he is! I can't wait to get my hands on him again ... SOON!!!


B.E.A.L. said...

oh yay....I was hoping this would be your 365 for today {or something having to do with yum-yum anyway}!

This is the sweetest little pic ever...carly anne is being so sweet touching him so gently and mg...she looks so grown up!

congrats on a new little man in the family...he will be spoiled rotten with lots and lots of love from his sisters and his cousins and of course his aunt jodi and uncle bill!

love it my friend! I am hoping there is a whole post on your visit!

Jill said...

Oh I love this picture! I agree with Erin - it's so sweet how gentle Carly is being with William. Those girls have definitely had practice with babies recently. They will be the best cousins to the newest Leonard!

Anonymous said...

This really is the sweetest picture!

Can't wait to get my hands on little yum-yum myself! :)