Monday, August 31, 2009

365:Day 212 ~ Look Who POPPED Into the 3s Class!

Bixie Loo Hoo!!!
Carly Anne's first day of school was today ... goodbye 2s class ... HELLO 3s CLASS! She's in the big leagues now! One of the first differences between the 2s and 3s is that when the kiddos get to school, they have to find their name and hang it up on the wall to show that they came to school! Carly found hers right away ... and how cute is the popcorn idea?!?! So creative! Carly was very excited to pop on into school this morning! :)


The Johnson's said...

Such a cute idea, I'm glad she had such a great day!

Kristi Joy said...

Cute idea! Love it. Bet she did too!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute idea!

B.E.A.L. said...

oh i love it! i remember how much of a big deal it was for the girls and gt to find their name....she will love it!

super cute to a great start!