Monday, September 7, 2009

365:Day 219 ~ Macy G. is on a Roll!

Last week marked the beginning of a new chore chart for Macy, to include MORE allowance! She has the same chores {although some of the criteria has changed}, but will now be earning 10 cents per chore for a total of $3.50 per week ... if she completes all 5 of her chores each day!

Anyway, Macy has been doing a fantastic job of getting her chores done! She got each and every single one last week and earned her full $3.50! And she did all of them again today too! She's on a roll! :)

Every night right before bed, we fill out her chore chart. Last week, she put Xs in all the boxes, but tonight she busted out with smiley faces! We thought it was pretty cute because we know that she is really proud of herself! And we're pretty stinkin' proud of her too! :)


B.E.A.L. said...

that is awesome....I hope she keeps on "rollin" along!

*i love the smiley faces!

The Johnson's said...

Such a cute way to help Macy keep track of her chores!!! Great job Macy!

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest! Great job Macy!! Can't wait to see what she saves up for! :)

Kristi Joy said...

Wow! I am so impressed. What a BIG girl! So proud!!