Tuesday, September 15, 2009

365:Day 227 ~ Let's Get Organized!

So. I've been known to over-extend myself. You know, take on more than I can really handle. I might be doing that again this school year. And it might require me to get a calendar to put in my purse to help keep myself organized. Maybe. Ahem.

Today I found this super duper thin, light weight calendar at Office Max. It will slide easily into my purse, but won't weight it down! And the extra added bonus...it's covered with a plastic sleeve, which of course meant that I could slide in some pictures of my favorite peeps! Now it's organized AND cute!!! :) Here's to keeping all of my meetings straight! CHEERS!


B.E.A.L. said...

so glad you found one that is just perfect for you. I know that I love anything with a pic of my favorite peeps on it and I know you do too!

yay...for your fun find!

Anonymous said...

What a perfect way to keep organized... AND you get to see your favorite little girls each and every time you open it!

{LOVE those pictures}