Friday, September 18, 2009

365:Day 230 ~ See This?

This is our unused free admission ticket to the Plano Balloon Festival ... the 30th Birthday of the Balloon Festival to be exact. We had plans to go to the Balloon Festival with the Bryces and the Scheers tonight. Unfortunately, the Scheers had a last minute soccer practice {a make-up from all the rain in the last week}. So, we planned to head to the festival with the Bryce fam.


It was raining. Again. Just like it has been for the PAST WEEK STRAIGHT! Even when it started to let up, we decided that it would be too stinkin' wet and muddy for us to really enjoy it! BUMMER! All 8 of us were really looking forward to it. And even though the festival is still going tomorrow and Sunday, tonight was our only opportunity to go this weekend.


We sure did make the most of it! Had ourselves a yummy din-din...the kids made a total mess and had a complete blast, while us grown-ups chatted and laughed and chatted and laughed! OH...and we had a little birthday cake! :)

We'll just have to make it to the 31st Balloon Festival next year!


B.E.A.L. said...

it was a fantastic evening....we really were bummed that we didn't get to go to the festival but we will be there for sure next year!

Anonymous said...

We went ahead and braved the mud... UGH.. only b/c we had NEVER been and we've lived here for over 10 years! The girls had fun, but it would definitely be better in mud-free conditions. (Oh, and if at least ONE balloon had gone up!)

Sounds like yall had a blast anyway... too fun!

Kristi Joy said...

darn too bad, but glad it wasn't a "missed opportunity" to get together!

Glad it was a fun night afterall!