Friday, September 25, 2009

365:Day 237 ~ Daisies Have Attitude!

Macy is joining Daisies this year! She’s in a cute little troop with 11 other girls…most of which she knows really well! Today, I headed to the Girl Scout store with several other moms to get the supplies that our little Daisy needs – a cute tshirt {of course}, a “vest”, the patches and pins, and a notebook! Macy was literally giddy when she saw all of this stuff! The troop will meet once a month and has the first meeting in a few weeks! I think it’s going to be a fun and educational experience for her! :)


B.E.A.L. said...

didn't know they had a girl scout store...but am not surprised!

that sure is a lot of "stuff" and glad she is hooked up!

hope she enjoys it!

Kristi Joy said...

i don't know about daisies. But man oh man that is a CUTE shirt. I totally love it!

I bet she was THA-RILLED! :)

Have fun. Are you helping out with their "troup"?

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is the cutest thing!

Macy will have a ball!