Saturday, September 26, 2009

365:Day 238 ~ I'm Taking a Poll.

So. My sweet friend, Paige, gave me the most adorable barrettes for my birthday this year. {We celebrated our bdays together in August last month when I went down there for the weekend.} Well, tonight I decided that I would try a barrette out for dinner at my parent's house…and I thought it looked pretty cute…a little trendy even.


My husband doesn’t like my hair like this.
My mom wasn’t a huge fan {she likes me better with full 70s bangs…seriously}.

What I tried to explain to my hubs is that I’m not going to suddenly start wearing my hair like this every day – just occasionally, you know when I feel like it. He just said that he’s not to sure about it and that he wanted to be honest with me. Whatev.

What’s your opinion, please?

Cute or not?
Should I wear a barrette again or absolutely not?
Does it make me look a little cute and trendyish or old?



The Leonard Four said...

You look beautiful not matter what! Love Your Hubby!

Anonymous said...

i think you look adorable! good to change it up a bit! i THINK that i have those barrettes too...i bought them with paige at anthropologie when i was 8 months pregs. i love them! cute cute! where them again!

The Rodriguez Crew said...

you know what I love about the barrette look? that it makes you look so young!! i think you look adorable!! AND, it's just about the sweetest thing ever that bill wrote that comment above. love that guy!!

see, i wear mine every once in awhile too just to change things up, and i love the change on you too!! give it another try for sure.... it could take some adjusting to afterall!!

jarleonard said...

In my humble opinion, it's difficult for you NOT to look cute. You look gorgeous with bangs or without bangs. I think it's great that you are trying different things! :) If you want to get really different, you could always try out Bill's 'do. I wonder what he'd think of that? Hey, at least it's easy upkeep, right? Y'all are both CUTIE PIES...

The Johnson Family 5 said...

I say DO IT! If you like it and it makes you feel fresh and new then go for it! I think it is super cute and fun!

PS I am just impressed that Bill knows how to leave a comment...I don't think Brooks knows how to OR has ever even thought about it...sigh.

B.E.A.L. said...

okay....a few things....

the face you are making totally cracks me up!

the hair is cute...glad you are trying to do something different.

I think bill isn't used to you without bangs since he hasn't seen it in a while. It caught me off guard at first.

love that bill left you a sweet comment.

ashton likes your hair like this.

I agree with it again and let bill adjust to it.

Kristi Joy said...

Well, I personally don't "know" you...when I saw it, I wasn't even sure it was you. HA! :)

I think it is very cute. I think Bill will just need to see it a few times.

Anonymous said...

I love it!

Cute, stylish, young... all of the above! Of course, I LOVE your hair either way... but this is a fun little once-in-a-while change!

(So glad to hear MY mom's not the only one still holding out hope I'll bring back the 70's bangs... for me AND the girls!)