Thursday, October 1, 2009

365:Day 243 ~ Spelling Bee

Tomorrow, Macy will take her 5th spelling test of the school year ... of her life actually. Each week our big girl has 12 spelling words, and every Friday is the spelling test. So far, she has only missed one word! Hopefully tomorrow will be another good one for Macy Gwynnie! Neither Bill or I are good spellers at.all. We're keeping our fingers crossed that Macy doesn't take after us in this department! Seems like she's off to a good start! :)


B.E.A.L. said...

She will rock it....twelve words wow that is a lot!

she is one smart cookie....

Kristi Joy said...

That is a lot of words...12!! Wow! And one with caps...crazy stuff. I so cannot spell either! Makes my mom crazy, but whatever.

I hope she did a great job!!!