Tuesday, October 6, 2009

365:Day 248 ~ Let the Decorating Continue!!!

As I mentioned, I put out all of my Halloween/Fall decorations this weekend. I do believe that I also mentioned that I love decorating for fall even more than I do winter! Today, I was at Walmart doing a little grocery shopping and wanted to grab some pumpkins, gourds, and squash to put in this cutie jack-o-lantern bowl!

I normally just grab a giant mesh bag full for $4 and take what I can get. Well. I was delighted to find that at Walmart you get to choose your own! I was so happy to be able to pick out exactly the pumpkins, gourds, and squash I wanted! Not only do I love the way they look, I was able to choose the ones in the best condition!!! And all for $0.78/lb.!

I love fall.


Kristi Joy said...

L.O.V.E. the bowl and gourds/squash!

B.E.A.L. said...

cute....and what a fun little bonus that you got to pick out your own.

I forgot you had that cute jack-o bowl!

me too...i love fall!

Anonymous said...

I love fall too!

But not as much as I love that CUTE bowl and those too-cute squash and gourds you were able to score!