Wednesday, October 7, 2009

365:Day 249 ~ Mini Masterpieces

Macy’s friend, Emerson, came home from school with us today. It was a fun and girly afternoon around here! Macy, Emerson, and Carly colored for 45 MINUTES STRAIGHT. Seriously…45 minutes. And they were giggling hysterically and telling stories the entire time.

Of course, by the time I got my act together and busted out the camera, they were cleaning up. {Nice one, Mom!} I did manage to capture one of Emerson’s finished masterpieces though. Next time, I’ll be more on the ball! Isn’t it amazing how long coloring can entertain little girls?!?! I remember doing the same thing when I was little! LOVE IT!


B.E.A.L. said...

how fun is that...coloring...bringing friend home from school, giggling....sounds like a perfect afternoon!

Kristi Joy said...

girl you are right when you say "little girls"...cause that 45 minute coloring thing... DOES NOT HAPPEN WITH LITTLE B.O.Y.S!

glad is so fun, giggling with girls!