Saturday, October 10, 2009

365:Day 252 ~ The First Taste of High School!

Our little dancer went to a Drill Team dance clinic today at one of the local high schools! No surprise...Macy had a complete ball!!! Really. She loved every minute of the 3 hours that she was there! And the performance was, well, totally adorable! Annnd I had a little glimpse of our future high schooler!!! :)


Jill said...

Macy looks SO grown up in this picture. I can't stand it :)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh she looks so old in this picture... such a pretty, sweet girl!!

B.E.A.L. said...

yep....too old for my taste! But she does look beautiful and like she is a natural having a blast!

can't wait for the details!

Kristi Joy said...

So grown up...crazy! How is that happening. I mean really, slow down a little bit, right! :)