Tuesday, October 13, 2009

365:Day 255 ~ Sleepless in Seattle Sunglassless in Dallas

Dear Sunglasses,

Oh how I miss you so. Remember the good old days when I would put you on every time I got in the car. I should have told you more often that I appreciated all the protection you provide from UVA and UVB rays. I never meant to take you for granted.

I hope that we get to meet up again soon ... whenever it stops all this incessant raining. For days. And days. And days.

Yep. There's a reason I don't live in Seattle. And it's because I enjoy my relationship with you.

Missing you,
Mama Leonard...Sunglassless in Dallas


Anonymous said...

What a clever post!

My shades, too, sit lonely on my counter top. Oh how I wish I could put them to use!

B.E.A.L. said...

i love it....so funny....and so true!

i am ready for some sunshine and my sunglasses!

Kristi Joy said...

You are too darn funny! :)

Rain, rain go away, come again...oh wait, don't come again for a long time!