Friday, October 16, 2009

365:Day 258 ~ Grown-Up Time... in kid-free! :) My hubby and I had a date day today. A tandem workout this morning with a trainer. A Parent-Teacher Conference for our favorite first grader. A lazy couple of hours {I watched trashy tv while he messed around on the computer}. A quick trip to the candy store to get these delicious treats to take with us to see Couples Retreat {P.S. Are y'all aware of the fact that matinee are now $7.50??? Who else remember when a full-price movie was $7.50? Can you believe that crap?}. And we had popcorn. With butter. And coke. And then we went and had a yummo dinner with Bill's brother, Kevin, and his wife, Melissa.

It was crazy nice to spend an entire day with my hubs! And we're not done yet...we get to spend tomorrow together too...kidless...for over 24 hours!!! Do we live on the edge or what?

Thanks, Mom and Dad / Mimi and Paps for making this happen!!! :)


Kristi Joy said...

Yep, sounds like you really live on the edge! :)

No, sounds like a FABULOUS time to me!

We don't get many of those in our neck of the woods either {24 hour stretches kid free that is.}

Glad it was a fun time! And I agree 100% movies are crazy expensive. As if those actors need any more money... ha!

B.E.A.L. said...

so glad yall enjoyed your "kid-free" day. It sounds like it was absolutely perfect!

Anonymous said...

Okay. So I spent a good chunk of time looking at this picture, trying to figure out what the heck that is!

From the working out, to the trashy tv, the movie (and I'm so with you on the cost of even a matinee... simply ridiculous), oh AND the popcorn, coke, and yummy candy at the move... YEA!!, and dinner?... THE perfect way to spend the day with your hubby!