Monday, October 19, 2009

365:Day 261 ~ Looks Like Our Streak Has Come to an End.

Remember our 24+ hour date last weekend? Well, when we were on the way home from the football game, my mom called and informed me that Carly had a fever. OOF! The germs have finally hit! We've escaped it so far, but I guess it was bound to happen eventually. Anyway, Carly had a fever of 104 in the middle of the night and threw up twice. But then on Sunday, the fever broke and she's had no symptoms since. Until tonight after dinner. We noticed that her throat was all kinds of red! I'm thinking that it's strep and I'm hoping like crazy that it's not the swine! So, I'll be taking her to the doctor tomorrow to find out for sure! No school today and looks like no school on Wednesday! I'm going to have one unhappy toddler on my hands! GO AWAY YUCKY GERMS!


* Update...I did take Carly to the doctor today and both the strep test AND the flu test were negative! WHOO-HOO! Turns out she just had a little virus that kind of presented itself as strep. I'm so relieved! And...she feels fine, is acting fine, and isn't even contagious anymore! So, it's off to school tomorrow for our little mama after all! :)


Kristi Joy said...

Poor little thing! I am glad to hear...I mean read...that she is feeling better.

Yucky germs!!!!

B.E.A.L. said...

sorry the germs hit but I am glad it was a mild case if that even a silver lining.

Hope everyone else stays healthy and super glad she feels better. At least it happened at the end of your date weekend and not the beginning!

Anonymous said...

SO glad to hear she's feeling better! And what a relief it wasn't strep or the flu.

We're doing our best to avoid all those germies that are out there right now... fingers crossed daily!!... for all of us!!