Wednesday, October 21, 2009

365:Day 263 ~ Now This is How to Enjoy the Rain...

Tonight I had bunco {girl's night out} and we decided that since it was cold and rainy we'd just come in our comfy sweats for a little wine, some yummy snacks, and some good ole' chit chat! I was all to happy to throw on some sweats and NO make-up! It was just 4 of us this month and we had a ball! I brought edamame {hence the pic of sea salt}. We had potato soup, wheat thins and dip, and Chili's chips with salsa and ranch! Oh...and wine. With lots of chatting and laughing, of course. Sure do wish I could spend every rainy day like that!


Anonymous said...

ok THAT sounds like the perfect night!

B.E.A.L. said...

what an awesome night with your girls! love it!

Kristi Joy said...

Fun stuff chicky! :) Love the idea of sweats and no make-up for a girls night out/in! :)

Glad it was a rainy day to remember!

Anonymous said...

Too fun!!

What a great idea on a rainy night!!