Sunday, October 25, 2009

365:Day 267 ~ My Best Duds!

For the last several weeks, Erin and Bobby have been painting the main living areas in their house from stark white to warm, yummy khaki {you may remember when we did just that last September}. Today, we had the pleasure of spending the entire day with the Bryce fam - we met for breakfast this morning and then went over to their house for a little painting party! There wasn't much left - we knocked it out in no time!

The kids played ... we had a little lunch ... the kids napped/rested ... the mamas chatted ... the daddies watched some football ... we finished the touch-ups ... the kids played some more and did a craft or two ... we ate a little dinner ... and headed home for bath, stories, and bed. A full Bryce-Leonard family day!!! :)

Oh, and I wore my best duds for this occasion. My painting shirt {as shown above} and my painting pants. Cute, huh? Now...try not to be jealous.


B.E.A.L. said...

we so appreciate your help...we LOVED spending the day with yall...and I am so glad you wore you best duds for the occasion....and I am a little jealous that I don't have a shirt like that....hee-hee!

you guys are the best!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like THE perfect day for the kiddos, the mommies, the daddies... what more could you ask for?!