Tuesday, November 3, 2009

365:Day 276 ~ Itty Bitty Sissies...

Today during the last 15 minutes of Ashton and Macy’s jazz class, the itty bitty sissies decided to chase each other around the extra studio. They were giggling, squealing, and having a complete ball! And they were using this mat as base {you know, if they actually know what “base” is … which I don’t think they do}, but they kept running and plopping down on it! So I just had to snap a pic or two.

Well … it turned out to be just one picture because my battery died just as the camera was taking this picture. The flash didn’t even go off. Hence the seriously terrible quality. So, I tried to edit it to look a little bit "vintage". It pretty much still looks like a cruddy quality picture to me, but the itty bitty sissies sure are cute!


Anonymous said...

carly is adorable! can't believe how long her hair has gotten! love reading the posts about your girls....makes me smile when i see what i have to look forward to in the coming years!

B.E.A.L. said...

I am so glad you got this pic...it is cute and I just love those itty bitty sissies!

Landry would be lost at dance without Carly! She LOVES her some Carly Anne!

The Four Fewells said...

So precious!!! I love little kiddo happy squeals and giggles and all the yummy sounds they make! So much FUN!

Kristi Joy said...

Well I think it turned out pretty cute, I mean really, look at the cute little pony tails in the mirror. I say well done girl!