Wednesday, November 11, 2009

365:Day 284 ~ Easy Peezy!

So, Easy Mac has become one of Macy’s new faves. It’s been around for awhile, but I never really thought that it tasted that great {or anything like the real Kraft Mac-n-Cheese for that matter}, so I hadn’t ever given it to her. For some reason when I was at Target a couple weeks ago, it caught my eye and I thought I’d give it another try. And to my surprise it’s pretty tasty {still not exactly like the original, but MUCH better than it was years ago…good even} and Macy LOVES it! Well, as much as you can love something after having had it twice.

Macy LOVES macaroni and cheese, but I don’t make it often since Carly can’t eat it. But with this little individual serving, then I don’t have the leftovers hanging around for an eternity! And this one tub even feeds her twice! Needless to say, MG was delighted when I made it for her for dinner tonight! :)

Wanna know what delighted me? That it only took me 3.5 minutes AND there was no pot to wash. Now that's what I call a win-win situation, people!


Anonymous said...

This is MY go-to dinner idea as well! My girls just LOVE it. I don't fix it as often as they would like... but it is GREAT in a pinch!

(And occasionally I'll fix it in the morning, put it in a bowl for Lainey's lunch box, and she's good to go! She loves it like that!)

B.E.A.L. said...

well that is good to know....ashton liked it a few years ago but I quit getting it because she got tired of it. Maybe I should try it again.

I love that it takes only 3.5 min and there is no pan to wash!

Kristi Joy said...

Very cool. I tried it as well...several years ago, yuck! We'll have to give it another shot now that it seems BETTER!

Love that easy stuff...for those busy nights.