Wednesday, October 20, 2010

365:Day 293 ~ My {Almost} Daily Addiction name is Jodi...and I'm a coffeeaholic.

It seems like in the last several months I've become slightly addicted to making myself a cup 'a jo.  Like almost daily.  I think that it has something to do with my kids getting older - and let's face it, me getting older.  They're involved in more activities.  I'm volunteering my brains out.  Plus the rest of our daily life.  So, I'm tired.  And need a little pick-me-up.  Like almost daily.  I do believe that I've developed a bit of an addiction.  It was an accident, I swear. 


Me and My Girl said...

Me too! You should try Big Train Spiced Chai...girl it's AH-mazing! I always order a big tin in the Fall. *Email me the color of your nail polish. I'm staring at it. LOVE.

B.E.A.L. said...

oh this is a good picture....and there are worse things you could be addicted to...right?!

and yes, meant to tell you this today but I love your nails and the nail polish!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya on the coffee... I started drinking it about two years ago... and I, too, think I'm addicted! Now I NEVER start a morning without it... and I've even found myself having an early afternoon dose on those realllllly long days!

And, yes, please do tell us the color of that nail polish. I had heard that brown-ish nails were in this fall... and looks like you are on top of the game! So... color please??!! :)

Kristi Joy said...

I'm in agreement, what is that color my dear? Loving it!

Try the Pumpkin latte stuff...not sure the real the little red/white metal containers.

Too much wine...ha! :)