Sunday, October 31, 2010

365:Day 304 ~ A Less Than Spooktacular Halloween

So Carly's fever yesterday.  Well, it turned into a tummy bug...for not only Carly, but for Macy TOO!  Yes, that's right.  Both our girls had a stomach virus in the nick of time to celebrate Halloween.  Nice, right?!.  And so not spooktacular.

We did our best to make the most of of the highlights for M&C was painting these pumpkins and creating some seriously cute jack-o-lanterns.  Boo to you and Happy Halloween!


B.E.A.L. said...

those are too cute...glad that was able to cheer them up just a little!

poor girls!

those pumpkins make me smile!

Anonymous said...

Bummer! Booooo to being sick on Halloween!

But those sure are some cute pumpkins... a little consolation prize I guess!