Thursday, November 4, 2010

365:Day 307 ~ Ahh…The Game Cabinet

As all you mamas can relate, there are just some toys you dread your kid playing with.  Am I right?!  Barbies, Play-Doh, anything with 378 pieces…and so on.  Well, one of my dreaded toys is our game cabinet.  Why is it that the girls {mostly Carly} insist on getting out at one time…with every.single.piece tossed everywhere?  This pic was shot after I started helping our littlest mess-maker reorganize the *dreaded* game cabinet.  It’s such a beating to put back together.  But I sure can’t stifle creativity and fun, now can I?!  I guess it will just continue to be one of those "things"!  :)


The Rodriguez Crew said...

PLAYDOH, YES. Games we haven't acquired yet, but I can imagine it will be another YES. Puzzles kill me already!!!

B.E.A.L. said...

totally here ya...I have a certain 2 year old that does the same exact thing.