Thursday, November 11, 2010

365:Day 315 ~ Is There ANYTHING That Target Can't Do?

I love guacamole.  Especially fresh...but I've been known to pound Holy Guacamole too.  Tonight we were having rice bowls for dinner and I decided that chips and guac were in order.  So I grabbed this Target guac, and let me just tell can give Holy Guacamole a run for it's money!  Dare I say I like it better even.  And it's cheaper too!  I just added 3 dollops of pico, a touch of lime juice, and a smidge of sea salt...and it was YUMMO!  Oh that Target.  It never lets me down!  :)

P.S.  Thank you for the hurricane/gourd advise yesterday.  I moved the gourds into a more shallow bowl instead.  Looks much better.  You guys were right...sticking out of the top was a no go.  But do me a favor...don't tell my hubs I agree with him!  *wink, wink*

1 comment:

B.E.A.L. said...

rice bowls...did you make them or pick them up...sounds yummy!

and thanks for sharing this tip about the know I have a pint sized kiddo who LOVES her some guac!