Thursday, December 30, 2010

365:Day 364 ~ My Hottie Hubs...

I have a date with this stud tonight.

Our second date night in a row actually!  Which NEVER happens!  TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW?!?!  Nice!  :)  Last night, it was just the two of us for dinner and a movie while the girls had a sleepover at Mimi and Paps' house.  And tonight, we're going to one of our favorite Mexican food restaurants with Bill's siblings {and spouses} to laugh ourselves silly and enjoy some good food and yummy margs!  {I still promise that we do not drink excessively...pinkie swear}!!!  The girls get to hang with our sweet niece, Paige, and they are thrilled!  Looking forward to date night numero two with my hot hubby! 


B.E.A.L. said...

I seriously love this pic of BL....

...and I love that you guys get to have TWO dates nights...that is awesome!

Kristi Joy said...

That is just too stinkin' cute. I often say that of your lil ones, but it's so true of your BIG one this time. :)
