Sunday, September 19, 2010

365:Day 262 ~ Short and Sweet...

Bill and I love stir-fry.  Yum.
And that's all for today.


The Rodriguez Crew said...

Um I am laying in bed and would seriously get up to EAT if that was in my kitchen right now. OMG tell me how to make that STAT!!!!

The Rodriguez Crew said...

Just dazed at this pic again.... Mmm. Lol!!

B.E.A.L. said...

ummmmm....totally with paige on this looks so yummy and you can't hold out on this one!

it looks delish...and the picture is totally fab!

Anonymous said...

Yes... recipe please!

That looks soooooo yummy!

We are a big fan of stir-frys too... and that one looks DE-lish!!