Sunday, October 3, 2010

365:Day 276 ~ Guy Girl Smiley!

I picked up two of these adorable pumpkins on Friday and they've been making me smile ever since.  You're totally smiling right now too, huh?!?!  And on a side was in the 70s all day today.  Have I mentioned that I seriously *l.o.v.e* fall?  Cuz I do.


Anonymous said...

Adorable! Love it!!

I *heart* fall too... loving this weather and all the *orange*!!

B.E.A.L. said...

well this is cute and I must've missed it on friday b/c I don't remember seeing it in person.

I miss my fall decorations so I will just live through yours this year!

The Rodriguez Crew said...

I don't even want to tell you how long I stared at that picture trying to figure it out. I did not see the dang pumpkin. I mean, can you say LITERAL MUCH!?! Wow. I got it now!!