Friday, October 8, 2010

365:Day 281 ~ Date Night with Daddy...

Bill had an extremely crazy week at work and didn't spend as much time as he'd like with Macy and he decided that he needed a date night with his three best girls tonight!  We headed to one of our favorite Mexican food restaurants - Christina's - for a yummo dinner, just the four of us.  And I'm realizing now that this picture might be slightly inappropriate to represent Daddy/Mommy/DAUGHTER Date Night!  HA! my defense, I had already drank half of this marg when I decided to snap the pic!  HA!  Happy Friday all!!!  :)


B.E.A.L. said...

I heart christinas, ritas, and date nights with daddies!

sounds like the perfect way to wind down the week!

Anonymous said...

That DOES sound like a perfect way to end a crazy week!

Glad you girls all had fun with your best guy!