Wednesday, July 29, 2009

365:Day 179 ~ Um. Is This How This is Supposed to Go?

Okay leather furniture owners … I need your advice.

We steam clean our carpets every 3-4 months. Until tonight, we haven’t cleaned it since we got our new furniture in April.

My question is this. When you steam clean your carpet is it necessary to cover the furniture with super cool 80s towels {that are usually super cool 80s car wash towels} to keep from having the steam cleaner spray water all over it?

Just wondering. ‘Cause that’s what we did. You know…to protect it.

I think that the super cool 80s towels are optional. It’s the covering of the furniture that I’m wondering about. Thanks a mil.


The Rodriguez Crew said...

i'm just so impressed that you clean your carpets so religiously!? i am zero help here... i was thinking M & C built a super cool fort!! :)

B.E.A.L. said...

i haven't ever covered ours, but our carpet cleaner doesn't spray stuff everywhere.

this pic is great...especially with the super cool towels!

Anonymous said...

I'm having a hard time reading the words of your post due to the fact that there is a


towel being used as a couch cover?!

I had that same print on a pillow case. Lucky you for still having that towel! (Hope its NOT one used to dry off newly-washed cars?!)
