Monday, July 20, 2009

365:Day 170 ~ MORE Trashy TV!

Tonight Erin came over to join me for a glass of vino and The Bachelorette: The Men Tell All!!! A perfect combination, if you ask me!

The wine was YUMMO and the Men Tell All was, well … weird. Can I get an amen from anyone?!?! I thought the conversation with the guys was odd. I thought the the Jason and Molly segment was strange. I thought the conversation with Jillian was brief, vague, and totally weird. Huh? Can’t wait until next week! I think we’re in for A LOT of juicy drama!!!


B.E.A.L. said...

loved it friend and i love trashy tv!

The Rodriguez Crew said...

perfect way to spend a night with a friend - wine and trash tv! heaven!!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh sounds like the perfect night! And I agree... it was totally weird. I found myself fast-forwarding through parts... it just got *old*. Can't wait for next week!!