Tuesday, September 1, 2009

365:Day 213 ~ Little Mommy.

Um, apparently Carly’s baby doll got a little hungry while we were running errands before lunch. So, being the attentive little mommy that she is, Carly decided to give her baby a raisin. Right in her mouth. Wedged on in there. Stuck.

Such a sweet 3.5 year old mommy.

{Wonder if I can get that raisin out with some tweezers? :)}


Anonymous said...

I am laughing out loud!

That is the cutest thing!

B.E.A.L. said...

that is hilarious! I love how her mind works...it is so logical!

Kristi Joy said...

what a good mommie!! never let a baby get hungry - my hubby's first rule of raising kiddos!

hope you got it out!!