Monday, October 26, 2009

365:Day 268 ~ Compromise...

Every year we go to the pumpkin patch with the Bryce's and the Scheers. It's something we all look forward to! So at the beginning of the month, we quickly marked a date on our calendar! Unfortunately, Ashton got sick, so we decided to reschedule. Then it was like a domino effect...each of the kids got the funk and it has not stopped raining for 75% of the month of October. We've had a heckova time trying to find a day that worked for all of us, but TODAY was that day!

Well, you can imagine when we discovered the forecast last night of non-stop rain ALL DAY LONG, we were more than a little disappointed.

But oh no...a little rain can't stop this tradition! We came up with a back-up plan! A compromise, if you will. We headed to a near-by covered pumpkin stand {keyword being COVERED} to find our 6 favorite kiddos the perfect pumpkins! And much to our surprise, this little pumpkin stand had more than just pumpkins! There were bunnies, ducklings, and chicks for the kiddos to pet and feed!

Rain coats.
Rain boots.
Happy munchkins.

I'd say that our compromise worked out just fine.


Kristi Joy said...

Glad it all worked out. So sorry everyone has been sick. Wishing for the bad germs to stay AWAY!

Fun tradition! Way to keep it rockin' this year, too!

B.E.A.L. said...

this compromise turned out just fine...i don't think the kids cared one bit!