Tuesday, October 27, 2009

365:Day 269 ~ Pumpkin Carving, Part 2

After our rainy and wet trip to get pumpkins last night, we grabbed some dinner, and the Daddies carved the big girl's pumpkins. Since it was a school night, Bill and Bobby only had time to carve one pumpkin each, so the little girls had to wait until tonight!

Carly didn't mind {much} and was very excited to help her daddy scoop out the seeds for a second night in a row! This is another one of my favorite fall traditions! I love that Bill always carves a pumpkin for each of our girls, and I love that we have a pumpkin carving party with the Bryces every year.

I SO love fall!

1 comment:

Kristi Joy said...

Cute pic... :)

Love your fall traditions. Glad you get to spend it with friends, makes it that much more fun!