Thursday, October 29, 2009

365:Day 271 ~ Academic Night & Book Fair

First of all…please excuse this lame-o picture. Tonight was Academic Night at Macy’s school and when I pulled my camera out of my purse, I discovered that the battery was dead. FOO! Macy and I went by ourselves – Carly had a random fever at through the night last night and has been totally fine all day, but we thought it would be best for her to hang out at home with Daddy instead of being around a bunch of kiddos.

Macy had fun participating in Academic Night … first grade had math games set up, the kids were able to show off some of their computer skills, and they even got to go on a treasure hunt throughout the school using geographical clues!

AND, the fall book fair was set up in the library, which is always a treat! Macy brought home her wish list {which was the best pic I could get to represent tonight’s events…sorry again that it’s LAME}. So, she chose two books for herself and two books for Carly! I thought it was really sweet because when her class went down to preview the book fair and make their wish lists, Macy spotted a book that she knew that Carly would love. And we also chose a book off of her teacher’s wish list! {Once again, leaving me purchasing FIVE books…addicted, I tell ya!}

I had lots of fun with my big girl, and Daddy had fun reading the girls their new books at bedtime!


Kristi Joy said...

What a sweetie, I tell you! That girl is so darn sweet to her sister!

I am glad you had fun night with your kiddo, sorry for Carly. But bet she had fun at home with dad!

B.E.A.L. said...

sounds like a fun night...i am sure ca didn't love that mg went with mommy and she didn't get to go. poor girl what is with her and fevers...that stinks!

hope she is better and i am not surprised that mg picked books for her sissy...she is the sweetest!

Anonymous said...

Love those little wish lists!

And new books from a book fair... too fun!! SO great reading a new book for the first time!!