Saturday, November 7, 2009

365:Day 280 ~ Deeelish!

If you haven't tried any of the Jack Daniels ez marinade bags, you REALLY must! Not only are they totally yummy {I think that we've tried and liked every flavor}, but they make marinating chicken CRAZY EASY! The marinade comes in a heavy-duty ziplock bag that you just dump your chicken...or steak...or veggies...or whatever in for fast, easy, mess-free deliciousness! We put our chicken in this garlic and herb one tonight so Bill can grill it tomorrow night for dinner! YUMMO! We eat A LOT of chicken in our house and get tired of the same old "flavors". So, we're always looking for new things to try! Soooo, you definitely need to try it too, if you haven't already! :)


Anonymous said...


I will be trying that for sure!

We eat chicken all. the. time. as well. And it can get SO old fixing it the same ole way! This sounds delish. And easy. What more could ya ask for?!

(And anything with Jack Daniels in the name... hello. Its got to be good!)

B.E.A.L. said...

looks delish....can't wait to try it! We are always looking for new ways to make chicken too!

thanks for sharing!