Sunday, November 8, 2009

365:Day 281 ~ Reality Check!

This morning after breakfast Macy and Carly hopped up on the couch to snuggle while Bill and I cleaned up the dishes. As we were doing just that, Macy blurted out, "Caaaan someone take a picture of this?"

Yep. My kids are so used to me taking pictures all.the.time that now they are requesting it. How's that for a reality check?!?! :) HA!

And. I couldn't agree with my big girl more. This was definitely an adorable photo opportunity!


B.E.A.L. said... it! Ashton is the same way and it makes me laugh every single time it happens!

this is a SUPER cute pic of those two little leonard sisters! love them to pieces and i would love to snuggle up next to them!

Kristi Joy said...



Love it!