Monday, November 9, 2009

365:Day 282 ~ Mean Ole Daddy...

Messy bedrooms
not cleaning up fast enough because there's still some playing going on
Daddy taking away everything that didn't get put away and putting it all up on the refrigerator until further notice.

which also =
an extremely upset 3.5 year old.


Poor Carly Anne was beside herself with this consequence. She kept saying through her tears, "why daddy do dis?"

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry for her. Bless her little non-direction followin, consequence havin' heart {and her big sis too}.

bill told the girls that they can have their stuff back when they show us that they know how to clean up WHEN we ask them to. return date TBA. :)


Anonymous said...

We have a *mean ole daddy* at our house too!

And what is it about a toddler's little cry when they *just don't get it*... it makes me sad and laugh all at the same time! What a cute little 3.5 year old you have!

B.E.A.L. said...

oh girl...we have had this happen on several occasions too! I can totally picture carly crying and saying "why daddy do dis?

hope it works soon! way to go Bleonard!

jarleonard said...

What a good mama and daddy those girls're doing the right thing even when it isn't easy. YEA! Still, I can't help but be heartbroken when I picture sweet Carly crying about it. Poor little precious...

Meg said...

I love that idea!

Kristi Joy said...

Hey, I love the idea... but alas, it would break my heart to do it. So I need to tell our "mean ol' daddy" to do it.

Be sure to post an update on how the "getting back" goes!

Wishing your girls good listening ears this weekend!