Tuesday, November 10, 2009

365:Day 283 ~ Little Bit's Lunch...

Carly is on a hummus and pita chip eating roll these days. For the last week actually. I mean she's always loved it, but everyday for the past week, she has requested it with lunch. Every day {except for Friday because we went out to eat}! She is a funny, funny little garbanzo bean.


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh!! I can just imagine those cute little fingers picking up those little pieces of pita!

And dipping too! Cute, cute!

B.E.A.L. said...

Lan Lan P is right there with her...she asks for it everyday!

I love that she loves hummus so much...ashton won't touch it with a 10 foot pole!

Kristi Joy said...

Dang, I love it too! My boys...not so much!

Glad she has some treats she likes too! (Healthy too!)

The Four Fewells said...

Yumm-O! I am the only one in our house who will eat it, I can't even get Cameron to try it (and he'll try almost anything!).

Good job Carly!