Anyone else held prisoner to this, or is it just me?
I'm a perfectionist.
I'm anal.
I like to be good at things.
I don't like to "fail".
I take on more than I can my own expense.
I'm way too hard on myself.
I've been known to make myself crazy.
Sometimes - a lot of the time - I let what I can't do interfere with what I can do.
All this babbling to say that I think that I am officially done with my 365:Photo.a.Day Blog. It's hard to keep up with two blogs. Not impossible, but hard. And I think that I decided that I want to focus my attention on our family blog ... and creating our family blog into annual blog books {which I'm a year behind on right now}.
It's a bittersweet decision for me. I've been pondering what to do for weeks now. And I pondered the same thing last year. What I love most about having this 365 blog is that it forces me to take at least one picture each and every day. And often times gets me to take pictures of things that I might not otherwise...while practicing my photog skillz {or lack there of} in the process. I also love having snip-its of our daily life. All of these reasons are what kept me doing this blog in 2010.
What I don't love is that even though this blog is easy daily maintenance - 10-15min per day - it still takes time away daily that I could be spending on our family blog.
I know that as lists of pros and cons go....these pros seem to win by a landslide. So, what I've decided to do is kind of reformat my 365. I'm not sure if it will be in the form of a weekly post on our family blog with a favorite weekly photo....or if it will be in the form of a weekly post on our family blog with a photo from each day.....or what. I'm still in the process of deciding what my 2011 plan will be, but I do know that what I love most about this 365 blog {the daily snapshots of our life and the different outlook on taking pictures} is not something that I'm willing to lose.
Dang...sometimes I'm so flippin' wordy. Sorry for this long, blabbering post.
Anywaaaayyyy, for now this is goodbye to this 365 format. But I will for sure continue it in some other manner. I have really enjoyed doing this blog for the past two years...I'm just ready to take it in a slightly different direction. Thanks a million for taking this ride with me for the past {almost} two years. It's been a good one!
Here's to 2011 being a year where I do a better job of not letting what I can't do interfere with what I can. xxoo.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Friday, December 31, 2010
365:Day 365 ~ 3 to the 6 to the 5
Well...twenty-ten was a good year for the Leonard 4.
I really can't believe that it's over.
We ended it with a bang...celebrating with the Bryces, the Scheers, and some close friends of the Scheers!
And I'm so excited to say that I made it to 365 pics this year.
Hasta la bye-bye was fun!
Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
365:Day 364 ~ My Hottie Hubs...
I have a date with this stud tonight.
Our second date night in a row actually! Which NEVER happens! TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW?!?! Nice! :) Last night, it was just the two of us for dinner and a movie while the girls had a sleepover at Mimi and Paps' house. And tonight, we're going to one of our favorite Mexican food restaurants with Bill's siblings {and spouses} to laugh ourselves silly and enjoy some good food and yummy margs! {I still promise that we do not drink excessively...pinkie swear}!!! The girls get to hang with our sweet niece, Paige, and they are thrilled! Looking forward to date night numero two with my hot hubby!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
365:Day 363 ~ OH BABY!
Like Macy a few years ago, my parents birthday gift to Carly this year was to go to our favorite near-by teashop {and darling store} to adopt her very own baby. She's not pictured here, but our Carly Anne adopted a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, smiling baby girl...and named her Jennifer Beth Leonard. Carly could not stop smiling ALL DAY! It was all kinds'a cute, and a very special day! Welcome to the fam, Jennifer Beth!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
365:Day 362 ~ Cab x2 {again}
It is slightly alarming how many of these 365 posts I do about wine. I mean, I just took a picture of two bottles of cab in November. And here I am again taking another picture of two bottles of cab. I promise that we don't drink excessively! :)
We went over to Casa de Bryce this evening to chow on some dinner, hang out, and let the girlies play. Of course, this fun night involved wine. Two bottles worth, to be exact. Both cabs...both yum. Nothing better than hanging with our friends! :)
Monday, December 27, 2010
365:Day 361 ~ Oh My! I've Got One Word for You ... MESS!
Our house was a disaster...the remains of Christmas were everywhere! We spent today cleaning and organizing the girl's new toys, and vacuuming as we went! Bill called it "The Day of Reckoning". HA! We tackled the family room, the playroom, and Macy and Carly's bedrooms. We threw stuff away. We organized all the little pieces. We set up doll houses. We cleaned out closets. And MAN, did it feel good!
Wonder how long it will stay this way?!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
365:Day 360 ~ Operation Trouble...
Santa brought our fam three new games for Christmas! So we had game night tonight and played two of them! It's amazing to think that I was playing these games when I was in elementary school and they're still popular today. Not to mention FUN! I still love Trouble! Can't wait for many more family game nights with our new games!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
365:Day 357 ~ Keep 'Em Comin'...
One of my most favorite things about the holidays is getting cards in the mail! It started off slow this year, but now we have so many that our kitchen cabinets are OVER-FLOWING! So today {in between Carly's 5yr check-up and taking the pups to the groomer}, the girls and I had to stop by Hobby Lobby to get some more ribbon so I could add it to our coat closet for the rest of the cards we receive! Can't wait until this is full too...keep 'em comin', peeps! I just love, love, LOVE holiday cards!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
365:Day 355 ~ ironic.
Today is December 21st - the first day of winter - and fall has finally arrived in Texas. Well, according to the tree in our backyard anyway! :) Yes, this tree always turns red in December {finally}. It's been turning colors for several days, but today it's really red! And I have to say that I just love it. Texas weather and seasons are...ironic.
Monday, December 20, 2010
365:Day 354 ~ The Annual C3
Tonight we headed to Susan's for our annual Leonard family COLD CUT CHRISTMAS! :) We had a great time, but were sure bummed to be missing Rebecca and William {they were home sick}. I took almost no pics. BUT I did sneak in few of this little nugget...I'm pretty sure that Hunter could not be more yummy!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
365:Day 352 ~ Shake It!
Carly's bday party this year was a DANCE PARTY...complete with disco balls and a dance teacher! I think all the kids had a blast at the party, but no one more than the birthday girl! She LOVED gettin' her groove on with all her friends!
Friday, December 17, 2010
365:Day 351 ~ Party Prep for Our Peanut
I spent the day prepping for Carly's bday party tomorrow. What this {terribly grainy} picture is showing is our living room and dining room furniture shoved into the playroom. Any guesses why this party theme would require a very large, open space?
Thursday, December 16, 2010
365:Day 350 ~ Ho, Ho, HOLY 2nd Graders...
Macy's holiday party at school was today. The kiddos got to have a snack, play bingo, and do several crafts...this cute 'lil bag was one of them. Perfect for holding the other crafts! I kinda wanted a whole bucket of these cutie stickers for myself! :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
365:Day 349 ~ In Summary...
...I just pretend to keep up.
HA! My friend, Kristi, and I were chatting about how we're flying by the seat of our pants these days...and how the holidays are wearing us out...etc. And when I got back to pick Macy up, Kristi had this little surprise for me. Today was one of "those" days. And this was just the thing to slap a smile on my face! Can't wait to drink my coffee in it tomorrow morning... :)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
365:Day 348 ~ Accident Prone
Oh my. Our little Carly Anne is just an accident waiting to happen. Last week, she scratched her chin on the slide when we picked Macy up from school {how, we don't know, but she managed}. And then today, she got into a knock-down, drag-out with a tricycle during recess, and the trike won. The story is unclear, but she either hit her cheek on the seat or the handlebar.
Um. Can you say "accident prone"?
P.S. She was super excited for me to take a picture of her latest injury! And this shot really doesn't do it justice. I bet that it will be a pretty shade of purple tomorrow. Maybe I can con her into letting me try to get another one.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
365:Day 346 ~ holiday party #1
Bill's store holiday party was tonight.
It was in a really cool old building in downtown Plano.
We pigged out on Dickie's bbq.
The girls got to sit on Santa's lap.
Holiday party #1 = success.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
365:Day 345 ~ Date Night!
My hubby and I watched the movie, Date Night, tonight after the kiddos were fast asleep. The movie was hysterical...and the glow of the fireplace and the Christmas tree made it perfect!
Friday, December 10, 2010
365:Day 344 ~ Oh Hanukkah...
Tonight we celebrated Hanukkah with Mimi, Paps, and Uncle Dude! We had a ball. And we didn't care that Hanukkah ended two days ago. It's not the day that matters, after's spending quality time with family that matters! :)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
365:Day 343 ~ All About ME!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
365:Day 342 ~ Moose Reindeer Antlers
Guess what makes a quick shopping trip with an almost 5 year old go extra smooth?
Christmas light-covered moose antlers that above mentioned almost 5 year old insisted were reindeer antlers, that's what!
And yes. Thank you for asking and I couldn't agree more.
She is, in fact, the cutest almost 5 year old ever.
I'm quite certain that all the people in the mall that saw her sporting these antlers would agree, too! :)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
365:Day 341 ~ Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Do you ever feel like your life is just a big ball of repetition?
And I'm not just talking about the laundry.
I'm overwhelmed with all the birthday, holiday, everyday stuff right now!
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
I'm pretty sure that I've even already used this post title before.
Oh the repetition.
Monday, December 6, 2010
365:Day 340 ~ Glamorous Fashion Design
Macy was on the verge of getting a cold all weekend at the dance convention. I'm pretty sure she was running on raw adrenaline and pure mojo for a good portion of the two days. This morning when she woke up, the adrenaline and mojo were gone! Her throat was hurting and she couldn't stop sneezing {it's unfortunately going around the dance studio}. BUT...after resting all morning, she started feeling better after lunch.
I pumped her with Emerson-C and Airborne all day, she watched a movie, read for an entire HOUR, and busted out this crafty Fashion Design Desk. It has a mini projector that outlines outfits and accessories that can be designed however Macy's little fashion designer heart desires! She had lots of magical creations and it was the perfect activity to keep her still and resting. Back to school tomorrow...sometimes there's just nothing better than a day to rest!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
365:Day 339 ~ Stinky Feet!!!
Macy and I spent a second day at the Nuvo Dance Convention with the Prodigy Prep Company. These chicks might be small, but when they all come over to change their shoes at once, they can clear a room. All us mamas could smell was FEET! Ew. And wow.
And would you look at the condition of these jazz shoes. They're downright worn out. Scuffed up. Holes. Worn soles. Mercy me.
Little girls...big stink! :)
P.S. This convention was an OUTSTANDING experience for Macy. Like over-the-top, exactly what she needed, awesome weekend! Crazy proud of our girl with the stinky feet!!!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
365:Day 338 ~ Moving Right Along...
...onto the big tree! Macy and I spent the day at a dance convention and I wanted her to get to bed early because she has another full day tomorrow........SO, we continued our holiday decorating in parts, and stuck with just the big tree tonight! I gotta say, it turned out totally FAB! The ornaments are in random clumps and stuck every which way. Complete glowing 8 & 4 year old perfection, if you ask me! :)
Friday, December 3, 2010
365:Day 337 ~ Holiday Cheer
We began our holiday decorating tonight. It's going to come in stages due to our crazy busy schedule. So, we kicked the decorating off with the girls little pink trees and other cute stuff for their rooms! They were TICKLED to crash in the pink glow of their trees...definitely at the top of their list of favorite things about the holidays!!! Next up...the big tree!!!
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